Our story begins in the vibrant city of Austin, Texas, where three childhood friends, Sam, Colin, and Cris, spent their early years. United by a shared love for video games, these friends forged their own paths in the realms of gaming and technology, each accumulating valuable professional experiences along the way. However, a dream lingered in the background—a dream to create something extraordinary together. Fueled by their shared vision, they took a leap of faith, leaving behind their conventional careers to embark on a daring mission.
The trio converged in the creative hub of San Francisco, California, moving into the same house to bring their dream to life. Thus, Windwalk was born, a space where innovation and camaraderie intertwine. In 2020, they proudly unveiled their debut creation, "Enemy on Board," to the world.
The As the game gained traction, so did the community surrounding it. The Windwalk Games Discord flourished, becoming a thriving hub for fans of "Enemy on Board." It was a revelation—the power of community in shaping the destiny of games. Recognizing this potential, the founders decided to share their expertise with the world.
The journey pivoted, and Windwalk evolved beyond game development. Drawing from their experience of building online communities, Sam, Colin, and Cris set out to help other companies harness the strength of their own communities. Alongside this mission, they began crafting their proprietary community technology, a powerful tool designed to build and manage communities.
Harbor is the result of years of experience managing millions of users across dozens of different online communities. It was created to address the most common problems community teams faced on a daily basis: how to grow your community, how to keep users engaged, how to measure your community, and how to activate members to be your ambassadors across all corners of the internet.